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  • Writer's picturePatrick Moriarty

Made in Mexico: The Rebozo in Art, Culture and Fashion at The Fashion & Textile Museum, London

These are my photos from the opening day of the exhibition. We had a guided tour by Mexican textile expert and anthropologist Marta Turok and curator Hilary Simon. Very interesting insights into the history of the rebozo shawl and its place in Mexican culture. They talked about the art of ikat, macramé fringing, the different types of rebozo, and its future survival, including support being given to local communities to help them continue traditional crafts and assistance with promoting and selling their crafts for fair prices without being exploited by middlemen. Master Weaver Arturo Hernandez demonstrated traditional Mexican weaving techniques using a back strap loom as can be seen in the photo. There were many beautiful creations from artists who had made pieces reflecting their modern interpretations of the rebozo. Imaginitive garments inspired by the Rebozo, resulting from a cultural exchange programme between Chelsea College of Art and Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico, were on display.

Highly recommended.

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