Design: Cherry Moon
In June 2020 I launched my second Prince-themed design. It is called “Cherry Moon” because it refers to the 1986 movie "Under The Cherry Moon" starring Prince Rogers Nelson. I drew the design by hand on paper in April 2020. The design has lots of cherries, moons, and stars. It also has a polka dot background because Prince wears lots of polka dot fabrics in the movie. The reaction to the design has been very positive. I sent pics of the design to people who run Prince fan pages on Facebook. I asked them if they thought their members would like it. They have thousands of members. Lori Blake runs the 'Black' fan page responded "Absolutely! It's GORGEOUS!" Laura Guitar, who runs a Prince-fan page in Canada replied "Keep me posted, it's lovely!!" Judi Feldman who runs the Shockadelica FB page for Prince fans, wrote: "I adore this! Everything about it is so fantastic - the details are amazing!" In June 2020 I launched a range of products made with fabric printed with the Cherry Moon design. I made a pillow cover that had the large-scale version of the design on the front and plain purple cotton on the back. Each pillow cover also had a purple zip. I also launched a pouch bag (suitable for storing Prince-themed face coverings). I also launched a lightweight facemask.
On July 25th, 2020 Mary Jenkins in Houston Texas ordered a lightweight Cherry Moon face mask. She wrote on Facebook "I ordered mine. The new design is so cute! I can't wait to receive it! I definitely will post pics!"