Lauren Jacobsen Interior Design
An influential interior designer in Los Angeles has featured several of my designs in her blog. Lauren Jacobsen is an expert at blending...
Lauren Jacobsen Interior Design
Pinterest interest
Paisley Power on BBC1 again!
Rat Wrap
East London Market
Transatlantic Trade
Sales of Butterflies and Rats
Paper cut logo
Paper Cutting Course
PaisleyPower cushion featured in Homes & Living newspaper column
Elephants on Southend Pier
Rat in the Bedroom
Improving Skills
Zipped Cushion-Making Course in Dedham Essex
Paisley Prints in Rimini - Pat's pics - 1st April 2014
Paisley Power design "Relics To Riches" styled by Liz Nehdi
My first PaisleyPower products have arrived in the post!
To all fashion designers, interior designers, stylists and makers.. Fabrics by the metre now availab
Winning scarf design - Patrick Moriarty - "Carousel"
We have lift off!